New Crystal Macro Video
I’ve posted a new macro video shot with the Canon MP-E65mm macro lens. And below is another image of obsidian, volcanic glass, shot with the same lens.
I’ve posted a new macro video shot with the Canon MP-E65mm macro lens. And below is another image of obsidian, volcanic glass, shot with the same lens.
The Photography Business, Part 6: Changing Your Range of Services is now up on the HP Pro Photo blog.
Part 5 of my photography business series is up on the HP Professional Photography blog. It is on the topic of whether to diversify or specialise.
The third part of my photography business series is up on the HP Pro Photo blog. It is on the topic of what to charge for your photography products and services.
I’ve started a new series on the HP professional photography blog about the business of photography. Somewhat controversial in places, I try to spell things out bluntly.
The GigaPan Epic is designed for small, compact digital point and shoot cameras. Yet a half hours work with some aluminum, a drill and a thread-tapping device will remove many of the limitations and allow you to take panoramas with larger cameras, including dSLRs.