A chance to show wind energy as it has never been seen before
- Winner to get €1,000 Amazon voucher and winning photo to become part of professional photography archive; five runners up get €250
- Winning photos to be announced by Global Wind Day, 15 June 2012
A wind energy photo competition, open to all, was launched today. In the run-up to Global Wind Day on 15 June – the annual day promoting the power of the wind around the world – photographers are invited to let their imaginations take the lead and show wind energy technology in a new way, in line with the competition title, “Wind in Mind”.

The six winners, who will receive a €1,000 Amazon voucher or one of five €250 vouchers, will be chosen by an expert jury and announced shortly after Global Wind Day. All the winning pictures will be displayed outdoors the EU area of Brussels.
The overall winning photo will also become part of an online professional photography collection, http://www.hardrainproject.com, and be published in renewable energy newspaper ‘Recharge‘ and in the European wind energy industry magazine Wind Directions.
“I can’t think of a better subject for a contemporary photo competition than wind energy,” said Julian Scola, Communication Director of the European Wind Energy Association (EWEA), organisers of the Global Wind Day alongside the Global Wind Energy Council (GWEC). “Wind turbines are an icon: symbols of the fight against climate change, of sustainability, of our modern age. While some people noisily oppose wind turbines there are many others who love them and find them a graceful addition to our landscape”.
Lauha Fried, Communications Director at GWEC, highlighted the global nature of the competition: “Wind power is an essential source of clean energy in over 80 countries today – we’d like to see photos taken from all around the world and encourage everyone to participate by sending us your best shots. A new feature for this year’s edition is the continental subcategory where a winner will be chosen for each continent”.
The competition is open until 6 May; for more information on the competition, on Global Wind Day, and to submit photos: http://www.globalwindday.org.
As in all competitions, check the terms and conditions carefully. The copyright section discussing the uses of the image is below:
– Entrants must be the photographer and owner of the copyright for any image entered.
– By entering the contest participants grant GWEC and EWEA a worldwide non-exclusive license to publish, reproduce, distribute and display the photos in their publications, on the website and through social media channels. Photos will not be used for commercial gain. The photos may be also used in marketing materials relating to the competition.
– By entering the contest participants grant all Global Wind Day partners (see website http://www.globalwindday.org/) a non-exclusive license to reproduce, display and distribute the photos in their publications, on the website and through social media channels in connection only with Global Wind Day and clearly labeled as an entry to the 2012 Global Wind day Photo Competition.
– Photographers will always be credited alongside their image.