This site shows the great nature photography of Jane Davenport
Jane is an Australian photographer who specializes in nature photography from a creative perspective. Cutting her teeth in fashion photography, Jane is a whiz at both photography and at the marketing of her work. I first came across Jane when I received a press release that she had just won a Photoshop Guru award when I was editor of Digital Photography & Design magazine. Next trip to Sydney I went and interviewed her and had a good look at her lovely digital prints, which she does herself. That was some years ago.
The photography on her web site covers insects, flowers, shells and other beach objects. Beautifully composed with strong use of color and generally plain backgrounds, the images are strong and attractive.
Her web site is simple and effective. Using a black background to make the images stronger, the site packs a lot of pages into an effective navigation approach. The site is divided into three main areas: exhibitions and tours; image gallery and shop. The site adopts a vertical scrolling approach to fitting a lot of information that is quite effective. Pages load fairly quickly, at least on a fast broadband connection.
This a great and inspiring web site at many levels. The photography shows effective use of macro techniques, excellent Photoshop use to simplify and create great pieces and excellent marketing skills on how to create a photography brand and cover all the bases.