The Practical Guide to Photographic Lighting for Film and Digital Photography

A book covering photographic lighting but with little specifically about digital.
The Practical Guide to Photographic Lighting for Film and Digital Photography
By Jon Tarrant
Focal Press 2001
ISBN 0 240 51580 3

This highly practical book takes you from basic to advanced lighting, covering all the bases from daylight and tungsten to flash and the newer continuous light sources.

Practical Guide to Photographic Lighting for Film and Digital Photography

The some 240 pages or so are divided into chapters:
*    Fundamental concepts
*    Light sources
*    Continuous sources
*    Flash sources
*    Lighting accessories
*    Equipment
*    Exposure determination
*    Lighting quality
*    Single-source lighting
*    Multiple lights
*    Specialist lighting
*    Lighting examples

The book does an ok job of covering lighting but it does fail to look at the differences between the types of film and digital when it comes to lighting and exposure requirements. It also fails to make enough of accurate positioning and how slight movement can make a big difference. Personally I also prefer diagrams as part of the explanation of sample light setups, as photographers tend to be visually inclined and a diagram works wonders.

Practical Guide to Photographic Lighting for Film and Digital Photography

Frankly the book has a feel of one written about film that has had the word digital worked into the title purely for marketing reasons. Given the author, I would have expected better of this book. It is however a pretty good book on light sources and arranging them. Useful to some readers but not the definitive guide to lighting for digital.

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